Mr. Saturn

The Mr. Saturn are an alien race from the video game EarthBound (called Mother 2 in Japan). They are also present in its Japan-only sequel Mother 3. They are gentle, cute, small and pink creature. Their body consist of a round face, two short legs, two dark round eyes, one big nose, stylish whiskers, large eyebrows and a single string of hair. All Mr. Saturn wear a red ribbon on their hair, except for one in Mother 3 that wanted to travel incognito by wearing a scarf on his head. Mr. Saturn have their own unique way of speaking called Saturnian. Their in-game script are also written in big, strange dialect. Shigesato Itoi, creator of the Mother/EarthBound games stated that the Japanese version of this dialect is meant to resemble his daughter's handwriting. Mr. Saturn also finish most of their phrases with strange sounds/words like "Ding Ding", "Boing", or "Zoom". Despite their gentle nature and cute figure, Mr. Saturn are also really smart. They even helped Apple Kid and Dr. Andonuts build the Phase Distorter, a devise capable of taking Ness and his friends back in time in order for them to defeat Giygas, the Ultimate Cosmic Destroyer. Other skills known to Mr. Saturn are ladder-building, the maintenance and rejuvenation of rusty old objects, and coffee-making. Mr. Saturn also appears in the fighting game Super Smash Bros. Melee and its sequel Brawl as a throwable item which, while not doing lots of damage or knockback, are great as shield breakers.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Mr. Saturn. Some of the top words include: Saturnism, samzor, TheEndruu, Schnauzer, Kavon, and 25 more.